Sunday, May 20, 2007

4 days of vacation..having met old friend helps a lot.

I don't want to go back to work on Monday. Surprisingly, I never thought that I would have this feeling. I always thanks god for such a wonderful place like this to work for. I felt blessed every morning when I went to work. It's like I went to have some fun. I went to learn new things. I went to face challenge and conquer the world. I went to participate in something cool. I went to work to get free food, free tshirt, free .... I went to work to be surrounded with smart people around the world. And I always felt blessed that I'm the most stupid among all of them. I felt like I became smarter and smarter each day. I have learnt to become a good coder. not just code to make it work..but code to make it maintainable and readable.

However since last month, for some reason, I have been under unnecessary stress. hard to explain why and how. I just hope that i get through this soon.

I already published this post. But then I think i need to put something that can make my reader smile. so how about this pic....


Devil's Son said...

glad that u have enjoy your vacation...

where are you from? Thailand?
where are you studying currently?

hi, i'm from Malaysia...your neighbor country if u r from thai

i am Pam Pam Pita said...

auntie nong สู้ สู้

Unknown said...

I'm one of your blog fans. Enjoy reading your story... Have a great day!